Using modern tools, you can quickly and reliably build your own house. Let us dwell in more detail on some of the tools that play the most important role in constructing buildings using frame technology.
A circular saw is one of the most important tools in building a frame house from scratch. With its help, you can cut any block or board into two parts, saw down, cut, change the cutting angle, depth and other characteristics. When working with a saw, it is essential to pay attention to the cutting depth and blade speed. For example, to cut a 50 mm thick board at a cutting angle of 45 degrees, one pass will be enough.
Miter Saw

Miter saw is another good tool to help prepare wall studs and framing joists. Of course, you can also use a regular circular saw to make a perpendicular cut. But when you need to do this many times, the discomfort is more noticeable, so it is better to purchase a mitre saw.
It is also recommended to stock up on a few regular hacksaws. They will help out in those situations when it becomes difficult to get somewhere with a circular saw. For the convenience of work, it is recommended to have 2-3 such saws with different teeth.
As for the chainsaw and reciprocating saw, there is no need for them even if you are harvesting and processing lumber yourself. All work can be performed using the above equipment.
One of the hammers will be used to assemble the rough frame. When choosing it, it is important to pay attention to the shape of its head. The carpenter's surface is smooth, and the roofing one has notches.

You can choose your main hammer depending on your personal preference. The hammer should be comfortable and reliable, as it does the bulk of the work when assembling a frame house. It is better to purchase a high-quality type immediately.
The second hammer you may need is the finishing hammer. It is small, and it has a smooth firing pin. The advantage of such a tool is that it drives nails and pins into the material without damaging its outer part. Additionally, at the construction site, small and large sledgehammers are useful. Their use reduces the number of hits needed when working with very strong or heavy materials.
Nailers of the Bostitch rack and pinion type with an inclination of 21 degrees are well-proven. For such a tool to work, you need an air compressor and electricity. When building a frame house, you will have to use thousands of nails, and it isn't easy to hammer them manually. Nailer will make this task easier.

Just like conventional hammers, nailers are divided into regular and finishing types. The latter are acquired if there is a need to do a lot of work on interior decoration. More often than not, you can actually work without it. You can also purchase staples to secure the outer cover. But instead, you can use regular nailers with smaller nails.
Screwdrivers and drills
To build a house, you'll need to have at least two powered screwdrivers - heavy and light ones. They also need additional batteries. It is one of the most important tools for building a frame house.
Besides that, a high-quality drill is needed. Its impact power is unlikely to be needed, but the ability to make holes for communications, interior decoration, and other purposes will be handy. The hammer drill is used only at the stage of work with the foundation.
Tape measures and rulers
It would help if you primarily used metal measuring devices to have higher accuracy and longer service life.
Power planers and sanders
These are inexpensive power tools. As for the plane, it is used to prepare a rough frame wall for pasting with drywall. If the subfloor has irregularities, it is easy to smooth them out with a plane and smooth the joints. Sander can cut any metal and stone, which is very important in construction.

Ladders, scaffolding, stepladders
You must have them in sufficient numbers and of varying heights. If there is no money to buy scaffoldings, you can make them yourself, but the stepladder needs to be purchased - you cannot do without it.

Of course, you can use other small tools during the construction process. But here are the basic items necessary for building a house.