What is more practical for a slab: lumbers, I-beams, or wooden trusses? What are the advantages of lumbers and the benefits of…

When deciding on how to work on laying tiles on wood, you should know that you need to create fixed and durable flooring. The…

Your choice of flooring is one of the most important decisions you must make when it comes to improving your home. Material is an…

Only with drywall help can you quickly, efficiently, and inexpensively implement any design solutions: multilevel, creating…

Gluing gypsum board sheets to walls or ceilings is the fastest and best way to level surfaces. When working with a gypsum board,…

This question in one form or another arises with 90% of people who begin repairs in an apartment or house. The question arises not…

How to calculate a reinforced concrete floor slab and select the cross-section's geometric parameters, the class of concrete and…

The advantages of EPS slabs are shorter construction and delivery times. They can be used with CMU, brick or ICF walls. This…

How to calculate the deflection and strength of a reinforced concrete beam. Examples of calculating reinforced concrete beams and…

Concrete floor slab construction process includes erection of formwork, placement of reinforcement, pouring, compacting and…