Scandinavian house plans

A distinctive feature of the Scandinavian house plans is the simplicity of form and design. The ability of the inhabitants of the Scandinavian peninsula to adapt to not the best weather conditions while not harming nature can only be envied. They know how to create the most comfortable, functional, and at the same time, very cozy and stylish space in their homes.
The house's facade in the Scandinavian style is characterized by simple and laconic forms and looks harmoniously against the background of natural landscapes. Almost all the houses in Finland, Sweden, and Norway are decorated with wood: environmentally friendly and warm material.
Sometimes the wood is left untreated, but more often, it is varnished or stained. Also, use siding or paint in natural colors: white, beige, light brown. There are country houses and utterly black in Scandinavian countries, but then the house must have many panoramic windows. Black attracts the sun, and panoramic windows let "caught" daylight into the home.
The tiled roof in a country house is often gabled, so it is easier for snow to roll down to the ground. In the Scandinavian interior is traced natural motifs.
The descendants of the Vikings use wooden flooring and furniture, often decorative elements in the country house can be a tree branch, dried plants in frames, a vase with cones, or a painting with flowers.
The love for eco-materials is in the Scandinavians' subconscious, and caring for nature has long become a familiar way of life. When building houses, they use bricks and natural wood, which are absolutely harmless to the environment and humans.
Residents of northern countries like to spend time in nature and live in the countryside, surrounded by forests and lakes. The walls in the country house are often white, and the furniture - in pastel, calm shades. It creates a feeling of airiness and lightness in the place, as opposed to the cloudy weather. Despite their love of light and minimalism, Scandinavians are not devoid of mischief and love of bright details. In a snow-white living room or bedroom, you can always find a few bright spots: a patterned rug, brightly upholstered chairs, and cushions, a colorful picture on the wall, unusual furniture or fixtures.
Another embodiment of love for nature is living greenery in the country house. Green plants create a bright accent on the overall light background of the interior and bring the natural spirit of nature into the interior in the style of minimalism.
Sometimes Scandinavians are even somewhat ascetic. In the bedroom of a country house may be only a bed and a chest of drawers for things. The other room's interior is also characterized by minimalism - all the most necessary not to like to overload the space. And remember, even in a large house, it is essential to keep order - the home reflects your inner state.
As we have already said, the northern climate is not happy for residents of the Scandinavian peninsula plenty of sun, so there is a lot of artificial light in their homes. This includes pendant lamps on the ceiling and floor lamps that illuminate specific areas. The living room must have a fireplace, and it is here for a reason - it used to be the only source of heat. Now it can be replaced by an electric or props hearth and decorated with candles in stands.
Country house in the Scandinavian style reflects the taste and lifestyle of the owner, a place where it is comfortable and pleasant to live. The careful attitude to nature and the rational use of material things is worth learning from the Europeans from the north. If you appreciate comfort, do not like clutter, and try to live in harmony with nature, this interior is perfect for you and your home.
The house plans presented here are designed for America and Canada and comply with the International Building Code for residential houses, which means you are guaranteed to get a quality home design.
The house's facade in the Scandinavian style is characterized by simple and laconic forms and looks harmoniously against the background of natural landscapes. Almost all the houses in Finland, Sweden, and Norway are decorated with wood: environmentally friendly and warm material.
Sometimes the wood is left untreated, but more often, it is varnished or stained. Also, use siding or paint in natural colors: white, beige, light brown. There are country houses and utterly black in Scandinavian countries, but then the house must have many panoramic windows. Black attracts the sun, and panoramic windows let "caught" daylight into the home.
The tiled roof in a country house is often gabled, so it is easier for snow to roll down to the ground. In the Scandinavian interior is traced natural motifs.
The descendants of the Vikings use wooden flooring and furniture, often decorative elements in the country house can be a tree branch, dried plants in frames, a vase with cones, or a painting with flowers.
The love for eco-materials is in the Scandinavians' subconscious, and caring for nature has long become a familiar way of life. When building houses, they use bricks and natural wood, which are absolutely harmless to the environment and humans.
Residents of northern countries like to spend time in nature and live in the countryside, surrounded by forests and lakes. The walls in the country house are often white, and the furniture - in pastel, calm shades. It creates a feeling of airiness and lightness in the place, as opposed to the cloudy weather. Despite their love of light and minimalism, Scandinavians are not devoid of mischief and love of bright details. In a snow-white living room or bedroom, you can always find a few bright spots: a patterned rug, brightly upholstered chairs, and cushions, a colorful picture on the wall, unusual furniture or fixtures.
Another embodiment of love for nature is living greenery in the country house. Green plants create a bright accent on the overall light background of the interior and bring the natural spirit of nature into the interior in the style of minimalism.
Sometimes Scandinavians are even somewhat ascetic. In the bedroom of a country house may be only a bed and a chest of drawers for things. The other room's interior is also characterized by minimalism - all the most necessary to not like to overload the space. And remember, even in a large house, it is essential to keep order - the home reflects your inner state.
As we have already said, the northern climate is not happy for residents of the Scandinavian peninsula plenty of sun, so there is a lot of artificial light in their homes. This includes pendant lamps on the ceiling and floor lamps that illuminate specific areas. The living room must have a fireplace, and it is here for a reason - it used to be the only source of heat. Now it can be replaced by an electric or props hearth and decorated with candles in stands.
Country house in the Scandinavian style reflects the taste and lifestyle of the owner, a place where it is comfortable and pleasant to live. The careful attitude to nature and the rational use of material things is worth learning from the Europeans from the north. If you appreciate comfort, do not like clutter, and try to live in harmony with nature, this interior is perfect for you and your home.
Крыша финского дома обычно простая двускатная, наружные стены облицовываются деревянным сайдингом, хотя фиброцементный сайдинг тоже отличный вариант. В финских домах если делают веранду, то как правило, небольшую, чтобы не приходилось постоянно счищать снег. Не надо путать дома по финской технологии и дома в финском стиле. Это разные понятия. По финской технологии сначала, после возведения деревянного перекрытия, возводят стены, не делая черновой пол. На первый взгляд это удобно, так как не нужно закупать OSB или другую черновую обшивку, чтобы потом купить её сразу и для пола и для стен. Но такая технология имеет свои недостатки: уменьшается прочность и стабильность перекрытия, собирать и поднимать стены, стоя на балках и трудно и опасно, при дальнейшей эксплуатации дома могут появляться скрипы и тряска пола. Представленные здесь проекты разработаны для Америки и Канады и соответствуют Международным строительным правилам для частных жилых домов, а это означает, что вы гарантировано получите качественный проект дома.