План двухэтажного каркасного дома 13 на 22 225 кв м
Страница просмотрена 829 раз
Проект дома AM-8300-2-3
зеркальное отображение- This house facade has mixed materials, decorative trim, windows with nice shatters and faced with fiber cement siding, horizontal siding. A complex roof with large front facing gables, with several dormer windows, a roof with gable end brackets completes the look of this house.
- House plan is 42 feet wide by 71 feet deep and provides 2446 square feet of living space in addition to a two-car garage
- It features 9-feet high ceilings.
- Space includes with a staircase to the basement, with a cozy fireplace, an entry to the deck, a Dining Room, with french doors leading to the rear porch, a Kitchen, with a large island, all bedrooms are up on the second floor.
- An open layout maximizes the use of the living space.
- The upper floor has 1097 square feet of living space and features Master Bedroom, with a spacious walk-in closet, bathroom with big shower, separate tub, and more., with jack-and-jill bathroom, with walk-in closet, lots of storage and closet space, upstair living, dining and a kitchen .
- In thise house there is a walk-out basement where you will find mechanical, laundry, sauna, storage room, wine celar.
- Outdoor living space includes front porch with classic columns.
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Информация о проекте
Гостевой с/y
Общая площадь
225.1 м2
площадь 1 этажа
124.1 м2
Площадь 2 этажа
101 м2
Ширина дома
13.1 м
Глубина дома
21.9 м
Высота конька (м)
9.1 м
Высота потолка 1 этажа
3 м
Высота потолка 2 этажа
2.4 м
Толщина наружных стен
50x150 мм
Утепление стен
3.7 Wt(m2 h)
Отделка фасада
- гор. сайдинг
- фиброцементный сайдинг
Наклон основной крыши
- стропильные фермы
Особенности спальни
- гардеробная
- ванна и душ
Расположение гаража
Площадь гаража
40.5 м2
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